The concept of nostalgia has become a pop-culture phenomenon among millennials. While the idea is not foreign to other generations, the millennial generation, in particular, has a noticeable affinity towards this concept. One of the popular speculations finds that people born between the early 1980s and the mid 1990s spent the majority of their childhoods without an overwhelming presence of technology, but by their formative teenage and early adult years technology had taken over. Now that every person can be expected to have 1-2 devices on them at all times, millennials look back at their childhood as a “simpler” time and feel a longing to return to a slower-paced lifestyle.
The Nostalgia series consists of studio portraits celebrating my personal experience as a millennial. I used modern technology - a digital camera, computer, photo-editing software, etc. - to create an experience that reminds me of my childhood. I re-created a feeling - the excitement of a 3D image popping out of a 2D canvas. I want people to experience the overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and re-connect with their past, reminiscing of times they may have forgotten.
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